Asheville, North Carolina, is a small, vibrant city nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains... but what sets Asheville apart from so many other mountain towns is it is also a notable culinary and music destination. In order to highlight its varied attributes, my team at Peter Mayer worked to develop a campaign that could be easily adapted to speak to unique audiences. We focused on the unplanned, magical moments you'll discover once you visit Asheville and captured them here in print with beautiful, full bleed imagery. We also created an interactive banner ad that invites the viewer to explore different facets of Asheville with short video clips. Whether you consider yourself a foodie or and an outdoor adventurer, Asheville has something for you!
Copy by Maureen Bongiovanni, photos from Amplified Media.
+ Campaign Concepting
+ Art Direction
+ Photo Retouching
+ Video Editing
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